Fandom-licious Christmas!

I received some unexpected and delightful gifts from my new friends, both handmade and purchased. I have a homemade candle, a metal stein engraved with my D&D character’s name, a gorgeous print that praises creative minds, all of which will enjoy pride of place within my apartment as the holidays settle down.

In addition to my local friends above, I also have wonderful friends and family who encourage my passion for fandom 🙂


From Sara and Jeff – the complete Friday the 13th: the Series DVDs! This plus my 21 Jump Street DVDs means THE 80s CHEESE IS ALL MINE.

Trek bag

From my Aunt (who always picks something fun off my Amazon wish list), a Star Trek messenger bag in Science blue!

X-Files 30 Days

From my friend Londa, the trade of the X-Files/30 Days of Night crossover comics! I read the first issue and was ENTHRALLED, but I lost track of when each issue would come out. With X-Files coming back in 2016, I needed to read it all the way through.

yiji mugs

From my friend Heather, a set of Teen Wolf mugs featuring art by Yiji (yijitumbles on Tumblr), author/artist of Seed Wolf over on Ao3.

I also received H50 season one blu-rays from my friend Kyle, the Hamilton and Lafayette biographies from Mom, and some great Kindle books from my extended family.

I may have spent Christmas Day by myself, but I didn’t feel alone. I got to see Star Wars with Ricechex on Christmas Eve, chatted with friends and watched movies with them over the internet into Christmas Day, and enjoyed my stay-in-pajamas/breakfast for lunch while watching various marathons here on Boxing Day.

Sending good thoughts to all of my friends during the holiday season, and to the few that are facing some scary situations, I’m sending all of my peaceful/healing energy across the miles.

Take care, everyone.