I did it

I did it!

I posted the last chapter of MWD last night. At 41,797 words, it marks a new milestone as the longest fic, solo or collaborative, that I’ve finished since I began writing fic back in the 90s (ah, X-Files).

32K or so of this fic was written in November 2015, and I started posting the edited chapters around the end of January. I reached the end of THAT content around March, and wrote the remaining 9K over the next couple months, posting a chapter every week or so.

That last chapter, however, took me a month as I worked through creative slumps, trying to find the source of my frustration with happy endings and resolving it enough to finish this story on a high note, and a few tears here and there.

I know I thanked folks in the story notes, but I want to mention them here too:

Sarah C – Without your suggestion of the story concept beyond the initial prompt, this fic wouldn’t have even gotten off the ground in November. Thank you.

Rudi – My girl. When I need a hug, a distraction, more encouragement, brainstorming ideas, or a virtual kick in the ass, you were there through it all. Thank you.

Ricechex – Your fannish enthusiasm and brainstorming and encouragement and fresh perspective into my writing and words I’d already vomited out made my story better. Thank you.

Heather B – Your encouragement meant so much, especially when I know you’re not a fan of the show. Thank you.

The fanfic workshop at 221Bcon 2016 – The unbridled enthusiasm and interest you folks showed at my story concept helped keep me writing towards that happy ending. Thank you.

The Hampton Roads NaNoWriMo crew – Without all of you, fannish or otherwise, I wouldn’t have found that creative place to get me writing again. Thank you.

I don’t plan on stopping, either! The first edited chapter of my Teen Wolf AU has been sent for beta (thanks in advance to Sally B, my very first internet friend – so glad we’re back in touch!), and I hope to started posting that in the next few weeks! This was my NaNo project from 2014, and I already have 50K written for that, so we’ll see how much of it stays in the finished product.

For all of the frustrations and creative blocks and “How the hell am I gonna get these crazy kids together?”, I love writing. I especially love writing fanfic, and I hope that inspiration continues as I watch new shows or get fresh inspiration while watching old shows.

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Rest easy, Steve. Your work here is done…for now 😀